Black sea economic studies – an professional scientific and practical journal on economic sciences, founded in 2016 by the Black Sea Research Institute of Economy and Innovation.

Registration of Print media entity: Decision of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine: Decision No. 1552 as of 09.05.2024

Media ID: R30-04411

Professional registration: Decree of the MES of Ukraine on 16 May 2016 № 515

Professional registration (category B): Decree of the MES of Ukraine on 28 December 2019 № 1643 (Annex 4)

ISSN print version of the Journal: 2524-0897

ISSN electronic version of the Journal: 2524-0900

Publishing on the website of the V.I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine:
Black sea economic studies

Index Copernicus: Indexed in the ICI Journal Master List

The Journal covers current issues of economic theory and history of economic thought; world economy and international economic relations; economics and enterprise management; innovation and investment activity; accounting, analysis and audit; finance and tax policy; mathematical methods and information technologies in economics; modern management and other branches of economic science. The scientific and practical journal “Black sea economic studies” is issued six times a year and distributed through the Internet. It is open access publication, which means that all content is freely accessible and is free to the user or his institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or refer to the full article in this journal. The Editorial Board publishes external and internal reviews of all articles coming to it. The Editorial Board of the Journal includes leading Ukrainian and foreign experts. The edition publishes scientific-theoretical and practical materials on current general theoretical and branch economic issues, as well as proposals for optimizing economic processes and phenomena in the country. The priorities of the journal are: the study of market infrastructure development issues; informing the scientific community about modern monographic research and problems of business education; development of international scientific relations. We invite all those who wish to collaborate with our publications and offer you to publish your articles. This publication is designed not only for scientists but also for practitioners who draw from it a lot of things for their activities.

Sincerely, the Editorial Board of the publication.